Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sizzix Candy !!! :-)

Would you like to own these fabulous Tim Holtz Ticket Strip, Elegant Flourishes and Tattered Florals Dies ?? 

The lovely Alison from Sizzix asked me if I would be interested in using their products this year and If so she would send me some products to use on my blog ,,, WOW !!!  I was absolutely thrilled to have been asked and was happy dancing for weeks !!

  My first ( and hopefully not my last) parcel arrived a few days ago and when I opened it  these dies were in there and I already own them. SOOO Alison said I could give them away !!! YAY !! :-)

If you would like them please
1. leave your name on the linky, only one entry per person to keep it fair xx

2,Add the piccy with a link on your sidebar
( if you don't have a blog you can skip this bit, I know some are from the SCS or Flickr sites, you are still free to enter, just add a link to your site  :-)) 

3,If you would like to follow me I would appreciate it
(I would LOVE to reach 1,000 followers) :-)

This candy is open until 6pm CET on the 12th March.

GOOD LUCK !! :-)


KandA said...

Aren't you such a lucky girl to be able to play with the Sizzix products.... and aren't we so lucky to get a chance of winning some fab candy too. Thank you xx

Kelly Lloyd said...

Hello Lols. Thanks for the chance of winning these gorgeous dies and lucky you getting to work with the fab sizzix dies. Off to pop a pic in my sidebar
Hugs Kelly

Tanya said...

Thanks for the chance to win Lols! All of these are on my wishlist haha, it would be fantastic to win them :)

Tanya xx

Dorte said...

Lucky you, thanks for the chance to win.
hugss Dorte

Unknown said...

Congratulate!! You are very lucky))))))).Thanks for the chance to win!

Debbie said...

Oh thank you Lorraine how fabulous.
I will go pop your picture on my sidebar. Debbiex

Terri said...

Thanks for the chance to win these great dies.


Gorgeous dies Lols thank you for the chance
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Crafting Queen said...

That's wonderful news, congrats. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this! I did everything you asked and I follow you through bloglovin'. I know that doesn't count, but it seems too much to follow your blogpost somewhere els too ;)

Laura said...

ahhhh....gasp.....heart a flutterin....thanks so much...already a happy follower xox

ellyscard creatief said...

Lovely candy Lorraine.
O almost 1000 follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.
It's on my sidebar.
Gr Elly

Karen P said...

Hi Lols,
I'm already a follower - check. Picture and link in side bar - check!

Thank you for the chance to win some gorgeous Sizzix dies! hugz Karen

Zw@@n said...

Yessss, I would like to own them!!! They are fab. Thanks for chance to win these dies, Lorraine. Luv, Wilma

iReneM said...

Oh my word!!!
This is a fantastic giveaway, Lols.
Thanks so much for a chance :)

Anonymous said...

Lorraine thank you for such a lovely chance to win your awesome candy! Have a great weekend hugs me x

Lynne in NI said...

Thanks for the chance to win your goodies Lorraine!

Helen said...

thanks for the chance to win these fab dies. I already followed you and the pic is in my sidebar. Cross my fingers now. Regards Helen

Glennis F said...

I will pop this on my sidebar shortly. I might add that yours was the first blog that I followed when I started off with mine!

Ardilla said...

WOW, I would love to win them... the other day I bought a few and wanted to buy more, specially the flowers one and the swirls, but I didn´t have enough money ...
Thanks for the chance :)

~Tammy~ said...

Wow, lucky girl! Congrats on your sponsorship!

Gail said...

I'd sure love to own them!
Thanks for the chance Lorraine!

Lorraine A said...

THANKS girls :) l love reading your comments, I wish I could give you all a set ;)
Luv Ya x x

valou250809 said...

A fabulous prize! thanks to give us a chance to win this prize and thanks for your all inspiration.

Eemeli said...

Fabulous candy. I am a already a follower so sorry but I can't help you to increase the number :D

Regina said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! You are SO lucky to have a chance like that... good on you ;-) I love sizzix dies & have a few which I use on a regular basis.

Daisychain said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy Lols. Off to put you in my sidebar now. Hugs Christine x

Sonia said...

Thanks a lot Lorraine for the chance to win a fabulous prizes^_^

fionalawlor said...

Thanks so much for a chance to enter, I have added this fac candy to my sidebar. I don't own any Tim Holtz dies and would love to try them so I have everything crossed :)
Fiona L x

Dana D. said...

How lucky and fun for you to get those sizzix dies. And how lucky for us that you are having this terrific giveaway. Thank you and Alison so much for the chance to win. BTW I became a follower. You're almost there.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lols! Thank you for the chance to win these dies! I'm still trying to figure out how I can display your blog candy image ;).
Have a great day
Laura xo

Chris (catt871) said...

those are awesome! Would SO love to win those since I'm on a spending freeze (Booooooooooo!) I added you to my side bar but couldn't add the pic...will try again though!

Phi said...

Thanks for letting me know about your candy Lorraine. And thanks for the tip about turning off word verification. I didnt even know I had it on.

Nancie Quah said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win the yummy candy.
Your cards are gorgeous.
Hugs, Nancie

Melissa Bove said...

A BIG Congrats to you, once again Lols!! You definitely deserve it!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the fabulous work and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!


jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

fab candy Lorraine , love T H dies. janex

mags said...

Lovely candy Lorraine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anne said...

o'er this looks rather nice Lols
Anne x

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Thanks for the chance of winning these gorgeous dies. hugs, Helena

Laura Love said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize :)

Tracy said...

OMG what a fantastic giveaway Lorraine, thank you so much for a chance to win.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

kbrandy4 said...

Wow!! Lorraine, fab candy, thanks for the chance to win! I have put the pic on my sidebar!!
Hugs Hazel xx

Sandra H said...

Hello Lorraine, Thank you for the chance to take part in this amazing candy giveaway the Flourishes and Floral Dies look stunning as is the Ticket Strip it's a lovely candy and good luck to all take part part many thanks xx

Mary Marsh said...

TH dies-oh yes I would love to own them-thanks for the chance to win

Christine said...

Wow Lols a girl can never have too many dies..lol thanks for the chance to win this lush candy..

smiles Christine x

Janeen said...

How nice of you to share your stash with us. I've enjoyed looking through your work. so fun.

HazelQ said...

Thank you for the chance to win these gorgeous sizzix dies :)

Whisper said...


Thank you for letting me know about your fabby blog candy, but i won't be entering this time as, i'm fortunate enough to own the Swirl and Tattered Floral Dies, thanks again.

Luv Sam x

Barbara said...

♥lichen Dank für dieses tolle Candy... ich liebe diese Stanzen und hüpf in den Lostopf. verlinkt hab ich dich und ich bin ab jetzt deine neuste Leserin.. liebe Grüsse BArbara

Emily H said...

Fabulous blog Lorraine! I am a new follower. You are super talented!

gwen70 said...

I would love to own the swirls but I already have the tattered florals, would be great if you could split them. Sorry I don't have a blog

Jayvalikka said...

Thank you for the chance to win these lovelies! :D I love them <3 You are very generous :) I have followed you and linked you on my sidebar :D

ionabunny said...

Well done Lorraine and thanks for the chance to win

Julia said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Therese said...

These have been on my wish list since Xmas.... March is my birthday month. Oh how nice it would be to get a surprise birthday gift... Thanks for sharing with this giveaway.

Wendy said...

Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy.
Wendy xx

Pavana said...

Wow.. Thanks for a chance to win.. Already ur blog follower and have linked this amazing giveaway on my sidebar.. :)

Karla said...

thanks for the change to win!!!!!!!

i love your work!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

You are so lucky to get to play with new dies!! And so sweet to share them!! Thanks so much for a chance to win!! I've added a picture to my sidebar and I'm happy to be a new follower!!

A Mermaid's Crafts

Unknown said...

Well done for getting onto the Sizzix tem,well deserved.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Mrs A. said...

Always happy to do my bit. Now no.997.
Will also add you to my side bar.
Thanks for the chance to win. the lovely Debbie tipped me the wink.
Hugs Mrs A.

Bhawana said...

Lorraine thanks for the chance dear. I have become your follower and loved your cards.do visit me.

Rebecca/Sydney's Sentiments said...

Great candy offer! I love, love, love Tim Holtz. If you're interested I have some candy too at http://sydneyssentiments.blogspot.com/

Alina said...

This giveaway is fabulous!I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope I win!

Linda said...

Wow,gorgeous candy:):)Love to join Lorraine:)Thanks for the chance♥

Marianne's Craftroom said...

What a fab candy. Thanks for the chance. Will add to my sidebar when on my laptop tomorrow.

Yoly e Suas Artes said...

Oi Lorena!!!

Conheci o seu blog através da ARDILA. Quero muito participar desse doce maravilhoso. Sou seguidora e coloquei na barra lateral do meu blog direcionando para o seu.


Edilza Teixeira Scrap e Artes said...

Oi Lorena!!

Conheci o seu blog através da ARDILA e da SONIA. Apresentei a algumas amigas. Sou sua seguidora e coloquei seu doce na barra lateral do meu blog. Obrigada por compartilhar conosco.


alethea said...

OOH I love these dies!!! Thank you so much for chance to win!!! HUgsxx

Solange Barreto said...

Obrigada pela oportunidade, amo o candy.
Sucesso, fique com Deus, beijo.

Solange Barreto said...

Obrigada pela oportunidade, amo o candy. Sucesso, fique com Deus. Beijo.

cebelica said...

I see you managed to pass the magical number "1000" followers. Well done you! :)
And thank you for the chance to win this fab candy! Hugs! xx

ribenaruby said...

Wow, lucky you Lorraine! I've entered for a chance..just hope they can be used in a Cuttlebug as I don't own any of these. thanks for a super chance! Ruby x

CJ said...

Hey Lorraine
Am your recent follower. Discovered your Blog while visiting a blogger friend of mine. Lovely Blog.
It is so generous of you to be offering this great giveaway. Have placed a link to your candy on my blog sidebar. Will be so happy if I win.
Thanks for the chance.


Kleine85 said...

Oh wow, this candy is so awesome. Thank you so much for having the chance to win.

Hugs, Tanja

Chris said...

Thank you for the kind words about my cards and for becoming a follower. I have become a follower on your site. Love the candy...good luck to everyone!!!

Elaine aka Ellapu said...

What a Fab prize on offer. Would love to take it off your hand lol. Thanks for the chance to do so
Hugz Elaine aka Ellapu x

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW I can well imagine how thrilled you were to be contacted by Ellison!!
And so generous to share your happiness!!
Have posted on my sidebar
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects

Unknown said...

Hi Lols,
I'm already a follower, picture and link in side bar!!!

Thank you for the chance to win some gorgeous Sizzix dies! hugz Panda!