I am thrilled to have been asked by Samantha (aka Penrith Crafts) to take part in the brand new ABC Christmas Challenge Blog Blog Hop :-)
I have copied this from the challenge blog :-
Come and join us on our New Challenge blog
for an exciting Christmas Eve Blog Hop!
Please Add our Badge to your blog
and tell everyone about the Hop!
Check back here from 8am on Christmas Eve
to see what you can do to join in the fun!
GREAT prizes on offer!
Don't miss out!
Pop over to the challenge blog ,,, and become a follower so you don't miss anything :-) I am lucky enough to have had a sneak peek behind the scenes and it is a hive of acyivity ! It will be loads of fun :-) YAY !! :-)
I am making it a resolution to enter this challenge every fortnight ,, and the other Christmas challenges out there, I would love to be better organised next year than this !!!! :-) I am sorry to say I have had to buy most of my cards ,,,,, :-)
So glad you've agreed to be part of this Lorraine!
Thanks for helping to spread the word! :0)
Helen x
Yay - exciting isn't it!!
Glad you agreed to guest.
Cathy xx
Hunny thanks for all your support! your followers are in for a real treat! as I too have seen a sneek peek!!! te hehehe at your creation! and WOWOWOWOWOW!!! :0)
thanks Hunny!
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