I have just received these 2 awards from Sally She has a lovely blog, if you haven't seen it already you should check it out :-) She's recovering from surgery on her wrist at the mo !! :-(
I have to pass these on to 5 people. I think I've passed the lemonade one to everyone so I'll just pass the 'hugs' one on.
I will pass this one to Anesha, I think she needs hugs cos she's having alot of pain in her wrist and shoulder, poor girl, I feel especially sorry for her because she is GD for the Tilda and Friends Challenge and she should have really enjoyed her time there and not been suffering :-(
I would like to pass this to Hazel too, she's a resigned midwife like me and is missing baby cuddles ha ha !
I'd also like to pass this to Cathy, she has a fantastic blog and has just been made DT for the Sketch and Stash Challenge :-)
I would also like to give this to Michele, she lives in Japan, a long way from home, so she needs 'hugs' :-)
and last but not least Sue I just love her blog and the comments she leaves, she's a very talented and funny girl, always makes me smile :-)
Have a nice day y'all :-)
Hee hee I might miss the cuddles but not the poopy bums!!!!! LOL ThankYou for this award, Its so cute. Hazel xox
Aww thanks hun, need one them i been paintin all day am shattered, got a friend commin 2moro so gota go sort out bed. Will upload as soon as i have 5 mins hun, thank you again, luv sue.xx
aaawww thanks! I DO need the hugs! This volcano nonsense is driving me batty! It is STILL spewing ash and getting more active. YIKES! I wanna go home. Your hugs helps brighten my day.
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