Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Funky Fairys Papercrafts are looking for 3 new Design Team members for its Shop Team. Have a look HERE for details of what is required and how to enter!

Good Luck to all :-)
Lorraine x

Wedded Bliss :-)

There's a blog candy with a twist over on the Crafty Goings On Challenge. If you make a card using a download image you can enter a draw to win a set of 72 copic ciao marker pens !! Well, I just have to enter, along with over 400 others, but as they say you have to be in it to win it so ,,, am keeping my fingers crossed :-) The download I chose to use is Dottie and George get married, aren't they cute :-)
I followed Becky's lovely sketch on the Sketch and Stash Challenge My new thing is the download, I just bought the lovely 'Love and Marriage' set from Charmed Crafts.
I am also entering this for the Charisma Cardz Challenge which is 'favourite things' well my favourite thing is ribbon and organza ribbon in particular :-)
The image was coloured with copics, love em ! her veil and trim were then shimmered using artquest interference paints, it looks lovely in real life. Dotty's necklace and earrings are freshwater pearls, you know the mis-shapen type !! ha ha I deliberately mis-shaped them using perfect pearls :-)) The corners and squares were made using my nesties. The sentiment is from the Stamping Up sentiment set.

Thanks for looking, your comments are appreciated :-) SO LEAVE ME ONE !! ha ha
Lorraine x

Monday, March 30, 2009

Colour Create Challenge

I made this card for Sue's wedding anniversary :-) so don't look Sue ha ha ha :-))
The theme on the colour create challenge is lilac and blue
I have this fab image from the Digital Stamp Oasis I coloured the image with a mix of copics and prisma pencils. The patterned paper is from my stash, can't remember who's it is :-) The optional extras for the challenge is ribbon and swirls, well I added the swirly corners and a strip of ribbon from anita's. The sentiment is from SU.
Think thats all :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x x

Simon Says Candy Challenge :-)

Hi peeps don't forget to join in the blog candy on the Simon Says Challenge :-) You only have a couple of days and you have to be in it to win it !!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi girls a friend of mine started cardmaking a couple of months ago and has just started a blog,her name is Valerie, would you mind just popping over and leave her a comment so that she can start visiting other blogs and get an idea what it's all about, thanks peeps x x x

White Rabbit :-)

On April 1st the 1st words you're supposed to say are 'white rabbit' this is supposed to bring good luck :-) I'll have to find out where that saying came from :-) Does anyone know ?
When I saw that the Daring Cardmakers challenge this week was 'bunnies and chicks' I knew I had to use this fab Rebecca rabbit with cart image from the Digital Stamp Oasis I used the Stamp Something Challenge fab sketch designed by Emily Weems :-) It also qualifies for the Secret Crafter Challenge which is 'stitching'. Having never done any sewing on a card this was a challenge for me ! don't look too closely ha ha. Maybe I should get one of those small machines that Anne ( fellow fairy :-)) has just bought cos getting my big one out was a bit of a palaver !! I coloured the image with copics, the papers and flower are by SU, the sentiment was printed on the computer. The big orange blobs are chipboard circles coloured orange and embossed with sparkle. The eggs in the cart were coloured then 3D glossed and glittered, Rebecca was glittered too and the dots on the paper ! The brads are papermania.
I think thats all !! :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Chrissie has this fabulous candy to celebrate 10,000 hits :-)
Hop over to her blog to enter, you have until 13th April :-)
Good luck to all

Fabby News :-)

YAY I've been asked by Ria to be on the Funky Fairy's DT !! How cool is that !! Yay.
Thanks so much Ria for asking me am grinning from ear to ear :-))))))

Lorraine x x

Friday, March 27, 2009

Digital Stamp Oasis Blog Candy

Ellie the owner of the Digital Stamp Oasis is offering some blog candy to launch her fabulous images which are available from the Digital Stamp Oasis:-) to be in with a chance of winning you have to make a card using this sketch. Hop over to Ellie's blog for more details.
I used the Susie Dancing Squirrel image for my card, isn't she cute :-)
I coloured her using a mix of prisma pencils and copic pens, need more brown copics ,,, !! I added a little shimmer to her skirt with art quest interference watercolour paint.
The papers are HOTP Sarapapers, I also used a few papermania buttons and a little organza ribbon. The stardream grey frame was cut out on the cricut.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x x

have a monster Easter !! hmmm

The theme this week on the Cupcake Crafts Challenge
is monsters :-) I saw a lovely card on Joanne's blog she had used a free download from Dustin Pike and I thought this was just perfect for the cupcake challenge. This card also qualifies for the Spoonfull of Sugar Challenge and the Lily of the Valley Challenge which are both 'Easter'.
I used a papermania scalloped card, I thought it looked good with the dragon spines :-)The papers are from Funky Fairy's downloads. The distressed chicken going to rescue the chick is from Penny Black, the sentiment is from a Digital Stamps Oasis download which I layered on some nestie cut circles.
The image was coloured with a mix of prisma pencils and copic markers.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Simon Says Challenge Candy :-)

Would you like to win this candy :-) We are happy to announce the start of a brand new challenge blog 'Simon Says Challenge'
Heidi, the owner of simonsaysstamp.com asked ME to start a challenge blog for her. As you can imagine I was absolutely thrilled to be asked. I can do that no prob !! I didn't tell her I'd never done it before ha ha but I have learned as I've gone along and the blog is now ready for your inspection :-) If anyone has any tips I would love to hear them, if there are any changes you think I could make to improve it I would like to hear those too :-)
Ok so please hop over to the challenge blog and have a peek :-)
Good luck with the candy :-)
Lorraine x x

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blog candy with a twist

Hi I received 2 parcels in the post yesterday from 2 blogging buddies involved in the blog candy with a twist. This parcel is from Hazel at Dido's Designs
She has some fabby news too :-) Hop over to her blog to see what it is :-)
I've eaten the choccy's already and I am sure the images will be used !! :-)

This one is from Jacelynn at Enjoy the Process, Keep Balance I love the die cut images and the stamped images too. I wish I could make the crochet flowers ,,,,, !

Thankyou so much to you both :-) I hope you like what I sent you too !! :-)
Love to you both x x

Strawberries and Cream !

I woke up at about 1:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I came upstairs, made a cuppa, blog hopped then made this card :-) As a few of you know I have been asked by Ellie, who co owns the Digital Stamp Oasis to be on her design team. This image has been designed by her husband, he is so talented !! pop over to the store to see the other images he has designed too :-)
The image I chose to use 1st is called 'Sammy Squirrel eats strawberries', the sentiments on the front of the card are also a download from there. I coloured him with copics, I am still a novice on these pens but think they're lovely and colour so easily. The pinky splodge on his tummy is supposed to be his pink tummy but could also be mistaken for dripped strawberry juice ha ha !!
I am entering this card for the Papertake Weekly Challenge, I followed the fabulous sketch by Dawny P. It also qualifies for the Funky Fairy's Challenge whose theme is 'Feelin Fruity' It hasn't been posted yet but am psychic and know what the theme's going to be ha ha , ( tho it could have something to do with a DT member inadvertantly posting it early then deleting, but not before I had seen it ha ha ) I used my favourite Funky Fairys download papers the Dots are Distressing and the 'It's so Distressing kits. It also qualifies for the ABC Challenge which is 'G' for glitter, that was a fluke ha ha , I had used some doodlebug glittery paper and had added black stickles for strawberry seeds.
The strawberries were made using a craft stamper magazine stamp from last years mag, stamped onto transluscent shrink plastic and coloured with pencils.
I tried to take a photo to show the 3d dimension but think I need a proper photographer like Sue to take the photo properly :-)

I don't often bother to decorate the insides, I usually just stick a plain insert with a sentiment stamped on it but I thought I'd make a little bit of effort for me 1st card as a DT member :-)

Thanks for looking, your comments are always much appreciated so please leave me one :-)
Think I'll go back t bed now !!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A card and fab news :-)

I made this card using the lovely sketch on Our Creative Corner Challenge
I used the colours Navy, Lime and Turquoise for the Colour Create Challenge It also qualifies for the Daring Cardmakers Challenge
whose theme is 'girls' . Well this is girly :-)
This image is one of my fave Penny Black stamps, I have had my money's worth from this one :-) I re stamped the bikini top in pigment ink, embossed then added liquid 3d gloss which I sprinkled with glitter too. The sentiment is a new SU one and the circle things, which I think look like slices of lime, well, that's the intention anyway, were cut out on my cricut.The paper is from Stamping Up and the ribbon from my messy drawer :-)

Ok onto my news, I have been chosen by Ellie at Live Laugh Love blog to be on her DT :-)So this card is for you Ellie :-) I am absolutely thrilled to have been asked and can't wait to start making a few cards using her fabulous downloads. I have put a link on my sidebar to her store so please take a look. This is a new venture for her, she only started in February so it would be nice if you could pop over there and take a look :-)

Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Yummy !! :-)

The theme this week on the House Mouse Monday Challenge is to make a shaped card and the theme on the One Stop Craft Challenge is 'Tag it' So I combined the 2 and made a small gift tag card :-)
I cut the card shape out of oval nesties, used brown cordinations, sanded a little. The white card and white layer was inked with peachy pigment ink and embossed with sparkle. The small eggs were cut out with the smallest oval nestie and a little peach card wrapped around and I made shrink plastic bows to finish.The image was coloured with prisma pencils and blended, am loving those !! :-) Then sent Ray to buy me loads of cadbury's cream eggs,for the photo shoot !! they're not in the bag anymore, me n Amy're sitting here enjoying them ha ha :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I have just received this award from Joey, Sue and Pascale :-) Am giving it right back to them and passing it on to Hazel, Josianne, Joanne,Poppet, Gisela, Michele, Debby and all my followers :-) I really appreciate all the comments you leave for me, in fact I check em regularly and am gutted if I don't have a new one to read ha ha , does anyone else do that !!! :-)
OK I know I'm supposed to link all these but you all check my blog so am guessin that you'll see this :-) Linkin just takes up valuable bloggin time n I want to pop round to see what you ve all been up to :-)
Lorraine x x x

Claudia's Blog Candy

Claudia at Pretty Pressings has some lovely magnolia stamps to give away.Am sure most of you have visited Claudia's fantastic blog but if anyone hasn't you really should go and see it, she has some fab copics tutorials too :-)
Good Luck girls x

Funky Fairy's Scrapbook page :-)

The theme this week on the Funky Fairy Challenge 'was' a scrapbook page or altered item but now it's changed so you can make a card too :-) Come on peeps join in :-) This has given me the push I needed to get on and finish this scrapbook of our trip to Venice last September, I started this ages ago then just left it so now I am determined to finish this album THIS week !! :-)
I used a paper download from Funky Fairy's 'It's just so distressing' I love this paper and use it alot. I kept the page simple, I am not really into alot of decorating on scrapbook pages, I prefer simple !! I also like to add information about the picturs and often just print information from wikipaedia and stick it in as you can see from the previous page.
The 'Venezia Bella' was cut out on my cricut
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

'Feelin blue' :-)

I loved the sketch on the Sketch Saturday Challenge I am entering this card into a few challenges, well, I like to enter as many as poss and it's impossible to do a card for every one !! So, the Penny Black Saturday Challenge is 'doodles' so I doodled :-)The Stamp Something Challenge is 'Spring'well, this looks like a spring card to me , blue skies and flowers :-) The theme on the Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge is 'favourite colour' well my favourite colour is blue and I used my favourite SU paper, I almost cried when I cut into it !! :-) I'll have to get some more ,,,,. I thought about entering this is in the daring cardmakers challenge too, the theme is 'girls' but I have a fab stamp and want to use that one instead ,,, tomorrow ;-)
OK thats it, off blog hopping now and seeing whats happening on the Pink Elephant weekend :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pickles and Onion.

I used my new Pickles and Onion stamps today :-) I followed the sketch for the Friday Sketch Challenge and the theme on the Daisy and Dandelion Challenge is 'Thank You'. All the papers are by papermania, I also used some coredinations for layering and to make the flowers.Poppet made a fabulous tutorial on how to make these flowers, you can see it here
. The sentiment was cut out on my cricut.
I coloured the image with my new prisma pencils, need more practise with these !!

I also made these for Binky Crafts to use as demo cards in the shop.

Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tulips from Amsterdam :-)

I made this card following the sketch on the Sketch and Stash Challenge I also followed the colour scheme on the Cupcake Craft Challenge , there is a selection so I chose pink/brown. It qualifies for the ABC Challenge which is 'F' for flower and also the Spoonful of Sugar Challenge which is 'gems' I am also entering this card into the last Arty Girlz Challenge which is 'stamping'. I am sorry this is the last week :-(
I used old and neglected and new stuff in this card. The tulip stamp is old and neglected and the papers are new basic grey. I used my new SU border punch for the scallped edge, the ribbon is from papermania I think. I made the flower from punches after getting the idea from Poppet, thanks for the tutorial :-)The gems are by hotfix.
I was thinking of sending this card to my niece who'll be 17 soon, she lives in Holland, hence the tulip ! but do you think it's a bit 'old lady'??? Amy thinks she'll like it but I'm not convinced, I appreciate your HONEST opinion, I can always send a different 'trendy' one !

It's a public holiday here in Malta and we're having a tidying up day, well, Ray is :-) He's cleaning the yard ready for BBQ season :-) summer's almost here !!! yay
Gypsy is recovering from her op (to prevent more kittens !!) on my knee, I can't move otherwise she growls and bites me so thats why I'm not helping Ray !!!! :-)

bye for now ,,,,
Lorraine x

? Christmas Birthday !!

I made this card following the sketch on the Truly Scrumptious Challenge I also used the colours red/green so it qualifies for the Colour Create Challlenge and I used 'buttons' so it qualifies for the Pink Elephant Challenge .I have had this stamp for a long time ( a couple of years!) and I've never used it so when I saw the 'buttons' challenge I just thought I'd dust it and give it an airing :-) I used another bit of the same SU paper I used a few days ago, I love this green ! I also used red cordinations, one piece just sanded and the other swiss dotted. The buttons are papermania and the ribbon in from my tangled messy ribbon drawer !!
I tried not to make this look 'Christmassy' but as soon as I stuck those buttons on it transformed into a christmassy card !! so this will be saved for a December b'day :-)
Ooh I forgot to say I coloured this with my new prisma pencils and blended with odourless spirit ( bartoline, same but cheaper than sansador the guy in the shop said !!! )
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave one :-)
Lorraine x

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

House Mouse Monday and Papertake weekly Challenges

I made this card following the sketch on the House Mouse Monday Challenge,the theme on the Papertake Weekly Challenge is 'edible'. The background paper and lacy border paper is from basic grey, I also used some black/yellow coredinations and a little gemstones card from cordinations too, I just bought that and I must say it is gorgeous :-). The HM stamp is 'Monica's Gift' I bought some extra large brads ages ago and never used them so I thought I would use one on this. I sanded it a bit to distress then stamped it with stazon using a SU stamp. It didn't photograph very well, a bit shiny but it looks good in real life :-)
Have to take Jessie walkies now, she's going berzerk !! woofin n bitin !! :-)
Will pop round later to see what you've all been up to :-)
Lorraine x

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bloomin Birthdays !!! :-)

Well, It is my birthday today, not tellin ya how old tho !!! ha ha it got off to a brilliant start with me going onto the kitchen to find one of the cat's had sprayed pee all over the bread bin ,,,, nice !!!! ughughugh Then after cleaning the whole area with bleach n what not I went to living room with me cuppa t to catch up with Sky news, only to find the dog had peed on the rug !!!!
Then I had emails saying my credit card payments for stuff i'd bought had been declined !!! So after contacting the bank it seems there was a batch of cards that had been compromised and mine was in them and they had sent me a new one 2 weeks ago ,,,,, never got that or the pin !!! wierd !! AND this is after I had to stop my other credit card cos it was hacked into on Friday evening !! The bank were quick off the mark on that one tho , they phoned me immediately , at least ,,,,
But on a nicer note , Amy baked me a choccy cake with cadbury's flake all over it ,, yummm and Ray got me a lovely bunch of tulips :-) ( and a cheque for me to buy crafty bits :-))

nothing to post yet, am just putting the finishing touches to my blog candy items, so if anyone on my list hasn't put it on their blog and emailed me their address can you do it PLEASE otherwise will have to re route the candy !!!! :-)

happy b day to me , happy b day to me happy b day to mee eee happy b day to me :-)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring has sprung :-)

I made this card, and a matching easter basket which I've left in Binky Crafts so don't have a pic ! as a demo set for a card making class I have on Wednesday. The theme on the 2 Red Banana's Challenge is 'Spring' so I thought I would enter this ;-)
The new range of Daisy and dandelion stamps have arrived in Gozo ( yesterday) so off I went and bought this Candyfloss and marshmallo set ( and the 3 others too !! )and as soon as I got home I made this. I wish I had a photo of the basket, will get one and add it to this post tomorrow.
Everything on the card is by Papermania.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments :-)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Penny Black Saturday Challenge

I made this card for the Penny Black challenge, a lovely 'easy' sketch to follow :-) I used my PB hedgehog bouquet stamp which I coloured with a mix of marvy's pens and inktense pencils. The paper is by papermania, I also used a little bit of coredinations that I swiss dotted and sanded.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments :-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Easter Card

I followed the Friday Sketch Challenge for this card. I also used the colours on the Colour Create Challenge which are orange/yellow/green. It also qualifies for the ABC Challenge which is'E' for 'Easter'.
I used Penny Black stamps 'Butterflies and Ewe'and Butterfly edge. The dot butterfly stamp is by Hero Arts. the yellow and orange papers are a download from Funky Fairy's, the other papers are SU.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Cute Card Thursday Challenge

The Cute Card Thursday Challenge is celebrating its 1st birthday and we are asked to make a celebration card following Katharina's fab sketch.
I used a Whiff of Joy cake stamp,the sentiment stamp is by Hero Arts. I also used my new SU paper and scallop punch. The tagss were cut out on my cricut. The flowers are papermania. The white card layers and tag were all softened with pink chalk but that doesn't show on the photo, but in reality they're nice soft pink. I also used shimmer paints, really cheap ones from 'The Works' but they're lovely !! :-)
Think thats all :-)
Thanks for looking, your comments are appreciated so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Retirement !

I used the sketch by Michelle on the Spoonfull Of Sugar Challenge, lovely sketch :-)I am also entering this for the House Mouse Monday Challenge and the Charisma Cardz Challenge which are both asking for 'men's cards. I am also entering this for the Arty Girlz Challenge which is 'Smile', well he is smiling and looking pretty happy with himself :-), and hopefully it'll make you smile too :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

spring is here ;-)

It really is a beautiful day the sun is shining, clear blue skies, it really is showing up my dirty windows :-/ ha ha I have made this card to fit in with several challenges, well 5 actually :-)
I followed the lovely skech on the Truly Scrumptious Challenge, we are also asked to make our own buttons, I made the 3 in the centre of the flowers using shrink plastic which I coloured with pearlescent chalk. This also qualifies for the Secret Crafter Saturday challenge which is masking, and the Daring Cardmakers Challenge which is 'Patchwork'. I used the colour sceme on The Pink Elephant Challenge which is pink/green/brown. The theme on the Cupcake Challenge is 'Spring', well I think this is a 'spring' looking card :-)
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who's this ?? :-)

ok, last one ha ha , she only did 2 !! You all got the last one right, she was worried it looked like Hitler !!!!! Amy was very happy you all recognised him :-)

I think this one is easier :-)
Isn't this fun :-)

I didn't make anything yesterday was helping out at my local craft shop, Binky Crafts,they re expecting the new Clare Curd range amongst other things but unfortunately there's no paper !!! :-( I am a bit disappointed as it looked fabby on the cards I saw on the treasure hunt ,,,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Who's this ?? :-)

I just thought I'd post this on my blog, my daughter Amy did this last night for her art GCSE portfolio which had to be handed in this morning !! Talk about last minute scramble !!

One Stop Craft Challenge

The theme on the One Stop Craft Challenge this week is 'Sorry', we have to use the word somewhere on our craft work.
I used a 'Thinking of You' stamp by Hero Arts which I inked with antique linen distress ink, I also used this for sponging around the edges and I brayered the matting card with it too. The butterfly is slightly coloured with yellow copics and made to fly with stickles :-)
I printed the sentiment inside on the computer and used the label nesties.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

'Spring' !!

Cheri at the Paper freak is offering to give away some lovely papers. All you have to do is make a card :-)
The theme is 'Spring', well daffodils and bluebells always make me think of spring so I used my Penny Black daffodil stamp. I also wanted to use blue so used some coredinations which I sanded after running through the big shot in the swirls folder. The swirly yellow/white paper is a download from Funky Fairy's.
So my 4 colours are yellow, green, blue and white :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Blog Candy Reminder !!

Just a reminder to those who enter my Blog Candy with Twist, to be eligible you must post the candy on your own blog and offer candy to 5 people too, sorry but those are the rules !! ha ha

Funky Fairy's Challenge ( my GD creation) :-)

This is my 2nd 'creation' as GD for the Funky Fairy's Challenge. It is already week 7 !! Ria set us a fantastic challenge this weeek and I am really looking forward to seeing what you all make, I actually made 2, one is hanging on my front door next to a 'Beware of the Cats ' sign, I didn't like it enough to send it in, so I made this one too, I've had a 'Finished in a Flash' Disney scrapbook pack for a couple of years waiting for me to make a scrapbook of when we went to Disneyland Paris, Sean was 10, he's now almost 21, Amy was 5 yrs old, she's now nearly 16 !! I used the free basic stars download which you can download here,the sentiment is the Birthday rounds download from Funky Fairy's too and a few of the embellishments from the Disney pack.
I really enjoyed making this, and of course there were too many jelly beans to fit in the bag so I had to dispose of them somehow ,,,,,,yum :-)
Go and see what the DT made too, I've just seen Ria's, its lovely, am going to see everyone elses too now. This is a challenge, !! so challenge yourself and join in !! :-)
I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
p.s I have really enjoyed being guest designer, thank you for asking me :-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog Candy With a Twist ( candy full, sorry peeps )

I was just hopping over to Jennifer's blog and found this fab blog candy idea :-)Hazel and Jacelynn are also doing this :-)
The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice! For you. (There is a possibility it will be a purchased item instead of homemade, or both).This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It'll be done sometime this year (I will want to get it done in the next month or so).
4. You have no clue what it's going to be.
5. The catch? Oh, the catch is you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog (then come here and post) The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a handmade gift by me. Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!
SO ...................who will be the first 5 people????

New addition to the rules, we all seem to be in agreement that the 1st person on your list should be the person who's list you are adding your name to ie, I will give candy to Jennifer too, ( my list now has 6 , so I have to make 7 items as I want one too !! ) :-)

1. Jennifer
If you see your name on the top 5 please email me your address so I can get your candy out!

Now don't you think this is a fabby idea :-)

Lorraine x

Magnolia V Stampovie Challenge

I followed Carla's sketch on the Magnolia Vs Stampovie. This is my 2nd attempt at colouring with my new copics, I must say I do like them ! I used my new Tilda with apple pie, isn't she lovely :-) The papers are papermania, the flowers are hero arts and the brad is SU.
Thanks for looking,I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
Lorraine x

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Loads of challenges in 1 !! :-)

This card qualifies for several challenges :-) I would love to be able to do one card per challenge but with all the fabulous challenges out there it would be impossible !! So,,,, I followed the sketch on the Sketch Saturday challenge, I also followed the theme on the Penny Black Saturday Challene which is a recipe of 3 brads, 2 ribbons and 1 flower,The Stamp Something Challenge is to use your favourite things for inspiration, well having 7 cats sort of qualifies me to use this stamp ! The Cute Card Thursday Challenge is wine and dine, well champagne is wine !! The ABC Challenge is distressing, well that speaks for itself, and the Spoonfull odf Sugar challenge is torn edges :-) How many is that ?? err I think it's 6 !!! Yeah !! I've never done that before :-)
The stamp is Penny Black 'Lovely Bubbly' The DP is from my shelf ?? I coloured the image with my new copic pens which arrived today:-) I am fairly pleased with the colouring but need to practice a bit with them and also think I need more skin tones especially. I bought the 72 A set from Cult Pens. I also received a lovely parcel of SU stuff, it was like my birthday today, postie was laden with parcels :-) I coloured the flowers (SU) with antique linen ink, and also used this to distress all the torn and scuffed edges. The brads and text thing were from the SU hodgepodge hardware set. What else ,,,, oh yes I also used a bit of coredinations black/grey which I distressed with sandpaper :-) Think thats it :-)
I would appreciate any advice re copics !
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one before you hop away :-)
Lorraine x x
I have actually had a busy crafting day, I am making some things for the blog candy I have commited myself to doing !! All good fun :-) I think mine is full now but Hazel has some spaces left on her candy, why not hop there and join in, it really is a nice and friendly thing to do :-)
Off blog hopping now to see what you've all been doing today :-)

Friday, March 6, 2009

3 challenge's in 1 card :-)

I made this card following the lovely sketch by Mumur de France on the Friday Sketcher's Challenge. I lso followed the theme on the Whiff of Joy Monday Challenge which is 'Lavendar and Lace' It also qualifies for the Pink Elephant Challenge which is 'Ribbons and Die cuts' :-)
Instead of making a big circle in the background I decided to use my cricut to cut a big flower out of flowery vellum, which I then stuck onto the same flower which I cut out of white paper so it would show up a little bit better. I should have stuck the vellum to the white paper with my xyron before cutting the flower !! will do next time !!!
The image is one of my new spring WOJ collection which I masked and then used the flowery stamp to create a garden, I used a WOJ butterfly stamp too, I added vellum wings and stickles so it could fly :-)
The swirly corners and grassy weeds in the foreground was also cut out on the cricut.
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments :-)
Lorraine x

Just Christmas and Birthday Challenge

I made this card for the Just Christmas and Birthday challenge, I promised myself that I would make a few xmas cards before December !! This is my 2nd !! I followed the sketch for the challenge but I must admit this is one of my least favourite cards that I have made !! Am not sure what I don't like about it, I just don't like anything !!

You don't have to bother leaving a comment !! ha ha

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sketch Saturday and House Mouse Monday Challenges

I followed the sketch on the Sketch Saturday Challenge and the theme this week on the House Mouse an friends Monday Challenge is to use chipboard on our creations :-)
I love this HM stamp, 'Confetti Rain', I needed to make a 'get well soon' card for a friend who is having an operation today and thought this stamp is perfect, she loves mice and her favourite colour is purple :-)
The DP is by HOTP, Sarapapers, I also used a little bit of coredinations which I ran through my big shot in the swiss dot folder, the gems are Papermania iridescent diamonds :-) The text is printed on the computer and the chipboard label holder is Tim Holtz grungeboard, I hope this counts as chipboard,if not just slap me wrists !! :-)
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Funky Fairy's Challenge ( my GD creations) :-)

Ria asked us all to make 'Something Blue' for this weeks Funky Fairy's Challenge
I decided to go with the 'Little Boy Blue' look and use my new Whiff of Joy stamps. He does look quite down in the dumps eh !! Probably thinking about all those books he has to get through !!
I used the 'Its So Distressing ' vol 3 and also used the 'Dots are Distressing' and the Birthday circles downloads too.
I used plain dark blue card for the base card and layering and also a little bit of coredinations and used the swiss dots folder and sanded. The eyelets and ribbon are papermania.

There are 2 fabulous prizes on offer this week, Emma has made an amazing clock using Funky Fairy's Download paper ( does this mean I am exempted from being in with a chance to win this ?? !!!) it is fabulous, and the other prize is a free download from Funky Fairy's so go over to the challenge blog and take a look and enter the challenge :-) ( leave me a comment 1st tho !! ) :-)
I would like to thank Ria for choosing me to be her Guest Designer too :-) I am absolutely thrilled :-)

Thanks for looking I appreciate your comments so please leave me one :-)
I have to apologise to whoever left me a comment on an earlier post, it posted by mistake and I deleted it before reading the comment !!! oops , am very sorry :-(